
1. Transmission electron microscopy observations on fine structures of shish-kebab crystals of isotactic polystyrene by partial melting. Liu TX*, et al. J. CRYSTAL GROWTH 243 (1): 218-223, 2002.

2. Bulk viscosity and its unstable behavior upon storage in polyimide precursor solutions. Tong YJ, Liu TX, Veeramani S, Chung TS. IND. & ENG. CHEM. RES. 41 (17): 4266-4272, 2002.

3. Micro- and nanomorphologies of isotactic polystyrene revealed by PLM, AFM, and TEM. Liu TX*, Ma KX, Liu ZH, He CB, Chung TS. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 86 (2): 422-427 OCT 10 2002.

4. A study of thermal degradation behavior of polyamide 6/clay nanocomposites. Pramoda KP, Liu TX, Liu ZH, He CB, Sue HJ. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF ACS 224: U379-U379 155-POLY Part 2, AUG 18 2002.

5. Fracture behaviour and toughening mechanisms of polyamide 6-clay. Liu ZH, Liu TX, He CB. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 223: D93-D93 236-PMSE Part 2, APR 7 2002.

6. A Study of Thermal Degradation Behavior of Polyamide 6/Clay Nanocomposites. K.P.Pramoda, T.X.Liu, Z.H.Liu, C.B.He, H.-J.Sue. Polym. Prepr., 43(2), 1217, 2002.



